Friday, May 9, 2014

Mo' Money Fo' Nothin'!

As faithful readers will no doubt recall, I got myself all excited last week over winning $25 in a free slot tournament over at Palace Station, so I decided hitting the free slot tournament trail was probably a good idea.

Today I dropped by South Point after work to hit their Senior Slot Tournament. Your score doesn't even get recorded unless you can break 2,000 which I rarely pull off, so I was feeling a little hopeful when I managed to come in just shy of 3,500 points. The staffer who took my score suggested I come back after 6 p.m. to see if I made it into the money. "Usually the low score is around 6,000," she said, "but it's been really slow today."

It seems Dennis Bono, whose free afternoon talk show packs them in on Thursday afternoons, canceled this week's taping due to Mother's Day commitments or some such. Well, Dennis must be a hell of a draw, because when I stopped by South Point again hoping that maybe I'd limped into the money and scored fifty bucks, it turned out I'd made 10th place and pocketed $200 in cold, hard cash.

Just goes to show: Don't pass up these free chances to make real money. You never know when circumstances will conspire to throw the odds in your favor. I'm still a little in shock over what I can only view as a kind of freak accident, but God Bless You, Mr. Bono.

Heck, I'd already been excited about my day after winning a quarter at South Point's video poker and finding 11 cents in change people had dropped next to the "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign.

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