Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Weekends with the Bard. Or Several of Them.

Dead Poet Books (Rainbow and Charleston, between the Albertsons and Zombie Zone) won me over when I saw the "$1 Books" table through the window, and had me for life when I found there a copy of a Don Siegel autobiography I didn't even know existed. In hardback, yet. That a table next to the door had more books, cassettes and movie posters for free was a bonus. As someone who's collected both science fiction and gambling books throughout the years, I can testify that both sections are top-notch, so one trusts the others are as well.

Beyond that, Adam Stuart Littman's Humanity Through Art project, operating out of the back of the store, is aiming to nurture creativity and promote a Humanities scene in Vegas based on culture and craft. Every other Saturday features Sin City Shakespeare, exploring one play at a time, at 1 p.m., followed by a Poetry Circle at 4 p.m (next up: April 5).; on the alternating Saturdays the Writer's Circle meets at 1 p.m. (next up: April 12). It's not an open mic night; they already host one of those at Vape City on Wednesdays. It's more workshoppish; bring your work and expect to share and receive feedback.

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